Volt Slovensko brings proven pan-European party to Slovakia ahead of 2024 European elections

Leaders of Volt Europa, the pan-European political movement, joined the Co-Presidents of Volt Slovensko, the Slovak national chapter, in Bratislava today to launch the process towards registering Volt Slovensko as a political party that will run in the 2024 European Elections.

May 26, 2023

BRATISLAVA (26 May, 2023) – Leaders of Volt Europa, the pan-European political movement, joined the Co-Presidents of Volt Slovensko, the Slovak national chapter, in Bratislava today to launch the process towards registering Volt Slovensko as a political party that will run in the 2024 European Elections.

Founded more than five years ago, Volt competed in the European Elections in 2019 for the first time and led a cross-border campaign that resulted in the election of Damian Boeselager as the first Volter in the European Parliament.

Since then, Volt has succeeded in winning the election of more than 130 officials to public offices across six European countries, including the National Parliaments of the Netherlands and Bulgaria, as well as many local and regional positions also in Germany, Italy, Portugal and Greece.

“In just five years, nearly a million Europeans have voted for Volt candidates,” said Boeselager, who was a Volt Co-Founder and now serves as a Member of the European Parliament.“We are convinced that many Slovaks share the same desire to engage in positive European politics.”

Looking to the 2024 European elections, Volt Europa Co-President Francesca Romana D’Antuono said, “We are committed to impacting policy to build more sustainable, democratic and equal opportunities for Slovaks, as Volt is already doing for citizens across Europe. We are delighted to have Lucia Kleštincová and Rick Zedník as Co-Presidents of Volt Slovensko. Their expertise in policy, politics and communications makes them supremely qualified to lead Volt Slovensko.”

Lucia Kleštincová, Volt Slovensko Co-President, said, “Our country gained a voice and influence in Europe nearly 20 years ago. We are no longer a ‘new member state’. We look forward to the European elections in June 2024 as an opportunity for Slovaks to take our responsibility as Europeans and to clearly state how we want Europe to look and function.”

Volt Slovensko Co-President Rick Zedník added, “It is time we no longer think just as Slovaks, but also as Europeans. Volt will provide Slovaks a truly European option that approaches international challenges like climate change, energy security, and migration with cross-border solutions. We welcome all Slovaks who consider themselves proudly European to join Volt Slovensko.”

For more information and interviews, please contact:
Volt Slovensko Lucia Kleštincová, spolupredsedníčka Volt Slovensko, [email protected] Rick Zedník, spolupredseda Volt Slovensko, [email protected]

Volt Europa Roza Ismailai, PR Manager Volt Europa, [email protected]

About Volt Europa Only a Europe that acts together can solve our shared challenges. National parties are reaching their limits. To counteract populist promises and give a home to all Europeans, we created Volt: the first pan-European party. We strive to empower people to change politics and unlock Europe’s potential.

Volt was founded in 2017 in response to the rise of populism and the far right. We are active on all levels of government and we are determined to win seats and drive reform in upcoming national, regional, and local elections. Volt aims to build a Federal European Democracy. In the future, the pan-European movement plans to participate in the European elections in all 27 member states and form the first truly pan-European political faction in the European parliament, by winning 25 seats from seven member states. It will do so with one co-created electoral agenda in as many countries as possible, presenting a truly unique and European approach to policy that has never been attempted before!

Already active in more than 30 countries, we encourage citizens to rethink and shape politics in their cities, in their countries and across borders in Europe.

We are pan-European, pragmatic and progressive. While striving to promote diversity, we come together because of our shared goals and values. We ask the necessary questions and make realistic proposals to solve pan-European challenges.

By now, more than 130 Volters have been elected at the local, regional, national and European level. We lead by example to foster a united, federal Europe.