Electoral Moonshot Programme

At the heart of our vision for a renewed European Union (EU) is a transformative journey towards a Federal Europe. We believe that the way the EU functions internally and how it projects its global responsibilities externally need a radical evolution.

First, the EU needs radical democratic change. This evolution is not merely a top-down endeavour but a collective effort involving citizens and political leaders across Europe. Through this deliberative and participatory process, Europeans will have a European Constitution that enshrines their power and rights into a new system that is not only more responsive but also more engaging for its citizens.

This democratic revolution will motor into a permanent general citizen’s assembly, inviting Europeans to actively participate in shaping the future of the EU, and redesigning democracy to foster trust, transparency, and collective determination.

We will advocate for a renewed European Parliament, shaped by transnational parties, holding the power to initiate, amend, and approve legislation, making governance more reflective of citizens’ interests than Member States’ concerns. Accessible sessions and qualified majority voting must replace outdated veto powers, ensuring that decisions align with the principles of the European Constitution. In this new Federal Europe, Member States can no longer defy EU principles, and the European Court of Justice must wield enhanced powers to prevent democratic backsliding, safeguarding the Unions’ integrity.

In our aspirations, Europe’s internal security must be fortified by a federal-level police force, that is a reinvigorated Europol ready to combat any threat to the safety of Europeans. Whether it is (financial) crime, terrorism, or cybersecurity, this revamped force shall stand as a guardian against evolving challenges.

Alongside a more democratic and secure Union, the expansion of the European project embodies the essence of Europe’s shared peace and prosperity. That is why we believe that the EU must embrace new members who share our commitment to democratic values and human rights. Safeguarding against democratic backsliding, we lay the foundation for an EU that not only holds itself accountable but actively advocates for justice and equality.

This transformation goes beyond rhetoric. The EU’s economy must reach net zero by 2040, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions and compensating for the unavoidable through carbon capture technologies. European citizens and businesses shall actively align their behaviours with political targets, creating a groundswell of collective action.

This future cannot be built without solid foundations built on the EU’s strategic autonomy. From achieving energy self-sufficiency by 2040 to generating all energy domestically through renewable technologies, nuclear, and hydrogen energy. This is our aspiration for Europe’s shared green future, with citizens actively participating in a diverse and flexible energy mix and energy storage infrastructures capable of achieving a stable and reliable energy supply.

Our aspiration towards a renewed green European economy demands a pioneering approach to redesigning the EU’s infrastructure, driven by sustainability, resilience, and comfort. High-speed rail, efficient public transportation, clean energy, and advanced internet connectivity are the bedrock of Europe’s future. Our waste management systems must be sustainable, and infrastructure investments must act as bulwarks against the ravages of climate change, creating jobs and fueling economic growth.

To meet the challenges Europe faces, we aspire to a renewed economic prosperity, one that intertwines seamlessly with environmental sustainability. We redefine growth metrics, birthing the ‘Green Net GDP,’ decoupling economic progress from the clutches of environmental degradation. Carbon and resource pricing mechanisms steer industries toward sustainability, and the generated revenues fuel innovation and the transition to a greener economy. A pan-European Social Contract ensures that prosperity is a shared legacy, with citizens actively shaping economic decisions.

A new pan-European Social Contract demands transcending the limitations of the past—a Europe where every citizen is empowered to unleash their full potential, unshackled by the constraints of inequality based on social background, disability, race, ethnicity, or religion. Such efforts must include a fairer and more transparent system against tax evasion and avoidance. Through global cooperation, high transparency, and effective enforcement, we must create a progressive and streamlined taxation system. Every citizen shall contribute willingly, secure in the knowledge that they are paying their fair share. Our vision is bold, and our mission is clear: to dismantle barriers to success and forge a society where fairer wealth distribution and equal opportunities flourish.

Our journey toward inclusivity commences with a resolute commitment to accessible healthcare for all, ensuring a robust foundation for every child. Childhood, in our aspiration, shall be fostered by inclusive, gender-sensitive, and culturally responsive education. Daycare and preschool programs are the catalysts for equalizing opportunities, providing unwavering support for children with unique needs. The education system envisioned as the engine of social mobility, moves us toward a future where primary and secondary education, as well as higher education, are not luxuries but birthrights. Financial means must meet this commitment, paving the way for a society rooted in our fundamental values.

Our educational paradigm is revolutionary, placing the student at the centre and embracing interdisciplinary learning and project-based approaches. Education, in our aspiration, goes beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge—it shapes responsible citizens, instilling democratic thinking, media literacy, and critical thought. Across borders, harmonized educational systems foster a socially united Europe that celebrates cultural differences and facilitates mobility.

Celebrating diversity in Europe demands treating migrants, and refugees, including climate refugees, with respect, dignity, and compassion. We envision a continent where no one perishes at sea, economic migrants are not criminalized, and those seeking refuge have the right to not only belong but also to thrive, provided with essential living conditions, healthcare, employment opportunities, and education, including language training.

Respect and dignity are our compass that drives our aspiration towards robust worker rights, decent living wages, health and safety protections, unionization rights, and flexible working arrangements. Whether as workers, entrepreneurs, or freelancers, a comprehensive social safety net unfurls, granting the freedom to take risks without the spectre of financial instability. European society must cherish work-life balance, affording ample time for personal pursuits, family, and friends.

Addressing these internal challenges only would not bring the necessary radical change for Europeans to thrive.

Our aspiration for Europe transcends mere unity but demands the EU to be a beacon of strength and influence on the global stage. Picture a future where the European Armed Forces, evolving to surpass national boundaries, become a symbol of solidarity and security. Fueled by a shared defence budget and strategic resource management, this transformation does not just secure Europeans’ interests; it builds strategic autonomy, all while upholding the principles of democratic accountability.

Our aspiration does not stop at securing our borders; it is a blueprint for a future EU foreign policy that resonates with coherence and proactivity on a global scale. Imagine a streamlined foreign policy decision-making, led by the European Ministry of Foreign Affairs and guided by the European Minister of Foreign Affairs, with an elevated role for the European Parliament ensuring rigorous democratic oversight. These internal reforms are necessary for the EU to project our aspirations onto the international stage, with the EU becoming a major force in multilateral organizations, spearheading a reformed United Nations. The EU must act as a global democracy seriously, standing as one voice to champion the rights of minorities and the fight for climate justice. Diplomacy and economic resources must be used as tools for promoting peace, security, and stability worldwide.

The EU must lead with responsibility, advocating for the vulnerable, and shaping a future where unity is not just a concept but a force for positive change on a global scale. It is our internal unity and our internal environmental and economic aspirations that will enable the EU to meet the global challenge of climate change and climate justice. By consistently engaging with the world, the EU must not only secure its future but pave the way for a stable, low-emission world where global warming is confidently projected to stay below 2 degrees by 2040.

The EU must become a hub for climate-positive projects worldwide, offering long-term, low-interest loans and stimulating private capital, for the sake of achieving climate justice commitments. The EU has the responsibility to support global communities in transitioning to sustainable, low-emission pathways, reinforcing its commitment to the Paris Agreement. The only future we must strive for is one of sustainability, resilience, and equity converging for the benefit of all.

We envision a Europe that actively proactively boosts the economies of non-European countries, addressing root causes of displacement through durable development cooperation, financial aid, and educational programs; dismantles networks of illegal migration, prioritizing the needs of the victims; and ensures legal pathways for both refugees and migrants that are standardized across all Member States, embracing inclusion, equal burden-sharing, and the free movement of people. Our cooperation must be built on democratic values, aiming to reduce poverty, conflict, climate change, and political instability.

The urgency is clear, and waiting is not an option. Climate change, conflicts, overcrowded camps, and societal resistance demand immediate action. Together, with people—be they Europeans, migrants, or refugees—at the centre of our aspirations, we can fashion a future that is thriving for all. So, let us stride into this future, fueled by the fire of optimism and the conviction that our actions today will forge a Europe where every dream can flourish and every citizen has boundless possibilities. The time for action is now, and together, we shall shape a tomorrow that surpasses even our most ambitious aspirations.

Chief Editors of the Moonshot Program
Claudio Lanza, Head of Policy at Volt Europa
Ines Bravo Figueiredo, Head of Policy at Volt Europa

The 5+1 Challenges

Volt has defined 5+1 fundamental Challenges that need to be tackled in each European country and in Europe as a whole.

Why 5 + 1 Challenges?

The 5 Challenges are basically the same for every country, but their implementation can be adapted on the national level to take into account local realities.

The +1 Challenge – our proposal to reform and strengthen the EU – is identical across all our national programmes.

  • 01

    Smart State

    Education and digitalisation are key elements of the 21st century

  • 02

    Economic Renaissance

    An innovative economy must be the engine of society's progress

  • 03

    Social Equality

    No-one should be left behind - no matter their gender, income, religion. or origin

  • 04

    Global Balance

    Europe needs to assume responsibility for its role in global challenges

  • 05

    Citizen Empowerment

    People must be empowered to influence politics beyond elections alone

  • +1

    EU Reform

    We love the EU - this doesn't mean there is no room for improvement