Our history
In 2017, Volt started out as the embodiment of calls for pan-Europeanism in a Europe slowly drifting apart. Volt has since been active in more than thirty countries with rapidly growing membership in each department. Several teams have succeeded in establishing elected Volters. From the European Parliament to the municipal level, because European thinking can also be done locally.

It's mid-summer and Brexit is the hot topic in Europe. A united union does not appear to be as obvious as before. In response, Colombe Cahen-Salvador, Andrea Venzon and Damian Boeselager (a French, an Italian and a German) come together to voice their opposition to recent developments and stand up for a new progressive energy within Europe.
29th of March 2017

29th of March 2017
The United Kingdom officially indicates its intention to withdraw from the European Union by signing Article 50. European cooperation takes two steps back, but on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean, Colombe, Andrea and Damian take one step forward; the political party is founded. The new energy that the three want to breathe into Europe is reflected in the name 'Volt'. The party founders turned to their European connections to join forces and establish the first Volt branches. And with success, because not much later Volt can be found in various countries. The party was born with a set of shared values and a collection of best practices.